Studio Owner: Tayla Morgan

Hi, I am Tayla Morgan, I have years of experience behind me I am excited to pour everything I have learned and continue to learn into FAD Gold Coast. As the Studio Director of FAD Gold Coast, I am excited to watch the gold coast area flourish and grow.

I started dancing at FAD when I was 5 and fell in love with all things dance and cheerleading. From here I was fortunate enough to be apart of the very first AASCF Nationals and many more since. I continued to dance and cheer my whole way through school and into university earning me a Bachlor of Fine Arts with a major in Dance. In my competition years I was able to be apart of Team Australia Jazz in 2019 as well as two in person world championships and one virtual world championships.

I started as an assistant then moved on to be an instructor and now studio owner. Over this time, I have worked with children from the age of 3 all the way up to adults. I found my passion in dance and fell in love with it more as I began teaching. I strive to develop, confidence, technique, and performance skills of all our students in a safe, nurturing and friendly environment with the help of our staff. My wonderful dance instructors, cheer coaches and I are dedicated to making all students experience fun and positive. Our programs will always be of exceptional quality and we as a team are committed to continual professional development.

At FAD Gold Coast we have a successful competition program for Dance and Cheer. We offer Mini, Youth, Junior and Senior classes across dance and cheer. Our program has multiple first – third placings as well as grand champion awards. We also off our Cheer Sport semi competition teams at our Coomera and Pacific Pines studios to help build the confidence in the students and their skills. We have built a close family feel within our competition and recreational classes.

FAD Gold Coast offer classes available in jazz, hip hop, cheerleading and more making these studios for everyone regardless of skill level. We welcome all new students and their families into our studios and hope to share the excitement of dance and cheer with you. Come along and give our classes a try we are sure you will want to stay.


Yours Sincerely

Tayla Morgan – Studio Director


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